After some encouraging conversations following the TEI conference in Paderborn, I readied myself to offer consulting and training for digital humanists and librarians as a side business.
- XML for Digital Humanists (XML, XSLT, ISO Schematron, RELAX NG, TEI ODD)
- Processing and publishing library data (MARC, PICA, MODS, LIDO et al.)
- Building and maintaining XML-based workflows
- Developing custom solutions (modules) for VuFind
-based discovery systems
- Salvaging DH projects that are in the danger of going awry
Feel free to get in touch!
Unser kleines Geheimnis: Der CachingRecordLoaderDecorator
In meiner Abteilung BMS-Entwicklung & Discovery-Systeme an der SUB Hamburg sind wir für Betrieb und Entwicklung des zentralen Online-Katalogs für das Bibliothekssystem der Universität Hamburg zuständig. Wir verwenden dafür eine stark angepasste Installation der Discovery-Software VuFind und greifen auf den von der Verbundzentrale des gemeinsamen Bibliotheksverbunds (GBV) angebotenen Suchindex K10Plus Zentral zu.
Schon seit längerem haben wir das Problem, dass eine ungünstige Mischung aus hohen Nutzungszahlen, ungünstiger Programmierung und Ressourcenbeschränkungen auf Seiten des Suchindex zu Ausfällen des Recherchewerkzeugs führen.
“If the US President decides that the official US name for Australia is now "The US Federal Territory of Kangarooland", then under current arrangements Australian library catalogues would immediately start using this term, at least for newly added items. Clearly this is suboptimal.”
Excellent blog from @hugh on one of the many vectors of influence that spread from US origins to other parts of the world, in this case Library of Congress naming conventions.
Untangling ourselves from the US is a formidable task.
That's legal in XSLT
<xsl:variable name="outermoust" as="xs:string"> <xsl:variable name="inner" as="xs:string" select="'inner'"/> <xsl:value-of select="concat($inner, '-outer')"/> </xsl:variable>
Ohne the toten Crackhuren im Kofferraum wüssten wir nicht, wie toll Tauben sind. Und jetzt gibt es sogar ne Hymne für Tauben! Wer den Song nicht feiert, muss taub sein. Gurrr!
👋 Whether you’re a casual reader of The Continent or a longtime subscriber maybe you know someone who would appreciate our journalism. Pass this on. It’s free and helps us spread quality African journalism worldwide. Thanks!
Stop saying “artificial intelligence”. (And “neural networks” too.)
Be more specific. Say “reinforcement learning”. Say “generative modelling”. Say “Bayesian filtering”. Say “statistical prediction”.
These are incredibly useful tools that have nothing to do with “intelligence”.
And say “model trained on plagiarised data”.
Say “bullshit generator”.
Say “internet regurgitator”.
These are also nothing to do with intelligence, but they have the added bonus of being useless, too.
Auch im Lichte der jüngsten Ereignisse um @Codeberg und der politischen Perspektiven auf #GitHub haben wir uns in der AG #MultilingualDH des @DHd entschieden, unsere Webpräsenz und Codebases bei #Codeberg unterzubringen. Wir finden, dass, sofern es sich irgendwie einrichten lässt, politisch stabile Betreiber wie #Codeberg dringend unterstützt werden sollten, gerade auch angesichts der Angriffe der letzten Tage. Auch finanziell. Also: hin da! #DigitalHumanities
Für einen zunehmend verzweifelten 5-jährigen suche ich die deutsche Fassung des Films "Ein Platz für Pluk" von 2004 - lief ein paar mal auf KiKa aber ist sonst nirgendwo im Internet und auch nicht auf DVD zu finden. Hat das vielleicht jemand als #FediEltern im Archiv?
gerne RT!
📼 Why Is Everything Binary?
The latest
To celebrate our twenty-first anniversary, #Saxonica is having a flash sale this weekend.
Three kidnappings, prison and a shipwreck: Ghaith’s journey reveals the ruthless business of Europe’s migration crisis
One migrant’s torturous experience reveals how militias and traffickers profit from deadly routes across the Mediterranean from Libya
Longest of the shots!
My mum is 90 this year and she would really like a University scarf to replace the one she's lost.
She studied medicine at Uni. of Manchester in the 1950s. Seems she was a real trail blazer, one of only 2 women in the year. And they wouldn't confirm her place until they were happy they had enough players for their rugby team!
Anyone have or know of a
Victoria University of Manchester Medical Scool
It would make her day.
A x
Please boost.
Note to users, who can't see this on their server (which I'm mentioning because another one just asked me about it):
the hachyderm admins blocked me personally - if you try to follow me from hachyderm, it lies and tells you this account is "suspended" - and i still have no idea why
coincidentally Nivenly, the company running hachyderm, got into an AI grift and I loudly called it an AI grift. This suggests the reasons are simple and commercial.
they have apparently denied that their AI grift was the reason but haven't said what the reason was
and they haven't contacted me at all and certainly nobody is paying me enough to bother to contact these weirdos
it's a mastodon feature: forum admins with poster's madness
so basically find a non-shitty server or spin up an akkoma yourself
feel free to copy and forward this as appropriate
edit: there was apparently a bug raised, and i'm definitely not wasting my time attempting communication with these circumlocutious scammy sounding weirdos. Perhaps you will wish to.
edit 2: it's their feudal pissheap and they're allowed not to like me! that they lie that my account is "suspended" and go into sub-GPT blathering when asked why is, I submit, a good reason to reevaluate hitching your wagon to their hungover seaside donkey
@llewelly @futurebird @joewynne
And AFAIK the one with the highest percentage of plant material in its diet is bagheera kiplingi, so it's named after a black panther, and that amuses me greatly.
(There was a married couple of jumping spider enthusiast who were also fans of Kipling and named at least 3 species after characters from his works. )
Wer sich für das Schicksal der Galgos interessiert, dem empfehle ich den Film "Yo Galgo":
Wer darüber nachdenkt, bei sich einen Hund aufzunehmen: Galgos sind wahnsinnig tolle, meist ruhige und durchaus auch eigensinnige Hunde. Je nach Charakter sind sie auch geeignet für "Anfänger:innen", man sollte sich also vom Label "Tierschutz" (generell) nicht abschrecken lassen. Es gibt viele Vereine, die hier vermitteln und unterstützen (Rey kam z.B. über die Galgo-Hilfe: und auch dabei helfen, den richtigen Hund zu finden. Also: #adoptdontshop
#tierschutz #tierschutzhunde
Hey #Leipzig, unsere #Foodcoop sucht neue Mitglieder. Meldet euch einfach bei mir oder unter der Kontaktadresse. Gerne boosten.
This is why 404 media is one of the few outlets we should trust w.r.t tech reporting. They're not stenographers.
Why does everyone get so excited about performance on some benchmarks when we don't know what the training data is? How do you know that they're not testing on the training set? How do you reject papers that don't tell you the splits but get so excited by these PR announcements?
Darf ich mal in die Runde fragen: hat hier irgendwer in Deutschland Erfahrung mit einer #Kurzzeitpflege -Einrichtung, die Leute mit #Demenz (PG3) aufnimmt und die empfehlen kann? In jüngster Zeit, denn die Dinger werden wohl gerade überall abgebaut. Wäre für Tipps, Hinweise, Boosts dankbar! #FediHilft #FollowerPower