The next version of SchXslt2 will support a processing instruction schxslt.declare-param to aid writing ISO Schematron w/ abstract patterns. I chose a processing instruction over reusing the sch:param element to not interfere with the current standardisation process.

If the processing instruction is used, the transpiler terminates with an error if a declared parameter is not provided, and if a provided parameter ist not declared.

Is it just me or do others also get hungry when writing about schema design patterns?

Lust auf in Hamburg? Tango mit Angela geht in die nächste Runde:

Vielleicht sehen wir uns ja mal auf einer Milonga in Bergedorf!

TANGO mit Angela - für Anfänger
David Maus shared 6 months ago
David Maus shared 6 months ago
David Maus shared 6 months ago

Setting up Emacs for VuFind® development

I've gotten more involved in PHP development lately, mostly working on VuFind®-related packages. My editor of choice is GNU Emacs, and today I finally finished my Emacs setup. Lo and behold!

David Maus shared 7 months ago
David Maus shared 7 months ago
David Maus shared 7 months ago
David Maus shared 7 months ago

Reading Bob DuCharme's "Maintaining Schemas for Pipelined Stages"

I think it is not only about stages in a pipeline, but also about schemas for different audiences. I.e. editing a digital scholarly edition vs. publishing vs. quality assurance.

David Maus shared 7 months ago
David Maus shared 7 months ago
David Maus shared 7 months ago

Favourite of the week: Juan D'arienzo - Pura Trampa Stuck in my head for 6 days

Pura Trampa YouTube
David Maus shared 7 months ago
David Maus shared 7 months ago
David Maus shared 7 months ago