David Maus shared 5 months ago
David Maus shared 5 months ago
David Maus shared 5 months ago

Oh boy! XSpec v3.0 is scheduled for April this year, including (among other things) SchXslt 1.9.5 as replacement for the skeleton implementation. I'm at the ready to fix the issues that will be detected this way.


David Maus shared 5 months ago

New blog post: Update VuFind® to 9.1, changes to the search subsystem


David Maus shared 5 months ago
David Maus shared 5 months ago

Another unrelated question: Consider a PDF document with an image that is not displayed. Is it possible to detect this issue with a tool such as JHove?


How would you call a set of XML attributes that are allowed on every element? E.g. the xml:* attributes?

David Maus shared 5 months ago

XML Prague 2024 here I come! Judging from the invoice I am number 11 to register. Next: Finish the paper until April 2nd!

Kayak Roll 1/8 - C-to-C kinda works, Bogenschlagrolle not so much. Hard to coordinate all those body parts.

David Maus shared 6 months ago

BEWARE Dr. Mobius' army! His Robo-Scorpions crawl everywhere, in SEARCH of intelligence to devour and stupify!

David Maus shared 6 months ago
David Maus shared 6 months ago

Nordlichter. Mit dem bloßen Auge nicht ganz so grün aber toll anzuschaue.

The next version of SchXslt2 will support a processing instruction schxslt.declare-param to aid writing ISO Schematron w/ abstract patterns. I chose a processing instruction over reusing the sch:param element to not interfere with the current standardisation process.

If the processing instruction is used, the transpiler terminates with an error if a declared parameter is not provided, and if a provided parameter ist not declared.


Is it just me or do others also get hungry when writing about schema design patterns?